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14 Mar

Holi Mahotsav Ashram

27 Mar

Amrit Varsha Kanpur

24 Apr

Amrit Varsha Kathmandu, Nepal

07 Jun

Youth Retreat Ashram

Events & Celebrations

opportunities to be in her presence

All the events are marked occasions that hold profound significance for a seeker. Beyond the folklore each event has its own rationale which remains unknown without the master's enlightening satsang. It is only with the master's grace that a seeker can dive within into the ocean of self-exploration, secured with the anchor of true wisdom. Master's darshan on such occasions is akin to a shower of unparalleled grace. A seeker is satiated with the mere glimpse of the master, yet the enlightening talks of the master on such occasions are an added blessings; an act of Her boundless benevolence which discard the veil of ignorance on our minds  All these events are celebrated in the Ashram with great bliss and zest invoking within each, a spirit of true festivity.

Amrit Varsha

The cascade of wisdom flows uninterrupted, from place to place, city to city, town to town, continent to continent, satiating hearts with love. Thousands sit together, in rapt attention, yet it is as if one is alone with the master, remembering and recalling ‘That’ which has been long forgotten, which is stirring the chords of the heart. And when the revered master sings, it is as if Her mellifluous voice soothes the anguish of eons, awakening one to the inner melody ever resounding deep within. The shower of bliss has drenched almost all major cities in India– Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Patiala, Shimla, Goa, Ahmedabad, Anand, Rajkot, Vadodra, Agra, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Indore, Kanpur, Nagpur, Nashik, Pune, Navsari, Panipat, Rajpura, Rohtak, Gurgaon, Sri Ganganagar, and continues to flood hearts and minds. Discourses held in pilgrimage places like Haridwar, Badrinath and Vrindavan offer aspirants and devotees an opportunity to walk on hallowed ground, magnetised by the vibrations of sages and mystics and also to imbibe the master’s words of wisdom.
Only the master knows where a true seeker is waiting, pining for the Beloved, and responds to the call of the heart. Overseas meditation retreats, workshops, discourses, talks, radio shows and television appearances in Europe, Canada, United States, Africa, Nepal, Middle East, Far East as well as pilgrimages with devotees to Tibet, Nepal, China and Switzerland are Her ways to reach out to those yearning afar. Millions watch the discourses on television; fortunate are those who come face to face.

Hridaya Samvaad

Darshan, being in the presence of the master, is an awesome experience. When the master is in the ashram, everyone looks forward to the weekend, for Sunday is Darshan Day. This is the time when the master meets aspirants who come from far and wide to soak in the divine atmosphere, listen to the master’s words of wisdom and have their spiritual queries resolved. A glance, a word, a smile, a conversation or a long deep look right into your heart - the master can bestow anything. Darshan is the inner experience, the inner rendezvous. Be there at 10:30 am, with a loving heart and an open mind.
To change the prevalent mindset undermining women, as part of Her crusade against female foeticide and infanticide, the revered master devised a unique way to combat this evil practice, announcing that She will personally name newborn girls. Lucky indeed are these infants, who come to the ashram to be lovingly blessed and named by the master, a gift they will cherish their entire life.


There are unimaginable depths to every occasion, every celebration, but we usually remain so engrossed with the outer celebration that the inner revelation becomes a faraway possibility. Maha Shivaratri is one such occasion which is immensely profound and holds great significance for a seeker. This day is celebrated in the Ashram with enlightening satsang, mesmerising kirtan and powerful meditation. The talk on Shivaratri by the revered master is interspersed with the sutras from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, a great sacred scripture chronicling the dialogues of Lord Shiva with his consort Parvati, demystified for a seeker who aspires to awaken from his slumber of ignorance. As it is said that wisdom is not about the words but the fragrance of the practice, these unravelling talks inspire the seeker to practice with dedication, paving the path to self-realization.

Holi Mahotsav

Holi becomes holy when it is celebrated with the revered master in the divine ambiance of Rishi Chaitanya Ashram. As such Holi celebrates the puranic legend of Holika and Prahlad symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. Thus, the bornfire is lit on this occasion to depict the victory. However, this is merely one of the mythological explanations. The profound insightful revelation of this festival has a spectrum of different colours which are showered by the master - colours of love, wisdom, seeking, and it is then that the festival gets an entirely new meaning for the seeker. We are much aware of the outward ways of celebrating Holi, these talks introduce one to the inward ways of celebrating the festival of Holi, unveiling the meaning and significance of this celebration in a new light. Those who get drenched in this cascade find their lives coloured with the blessing to seek within.

Master's Sanyas Diwas

Shri Rama Navami marks the Sanyas Diwas celebration in the Ashram, a significant day of immense inspiration for the seekers. Celebrated with great enthusiasm & fervour, this day hosts blissful darshan of the revered master in the morning and usually a celestial feast of music & dance programs by the maestros in the evening. Sanyas which is commonly misunderstood as outward renunciation is in fact all about inward evolution. This true essence of sanyas, breaking-free from the bondages & shackles of ignorance, is celebrated on this occasion under the luminous presence of Anandmurti Gurumaa.

Master's Birthday

Ananda Mahotsava, beloved master Anandmurti Gurumaa’s Janma Diwas on 8th April, is a grand celebration to rejoice the gracious presence of the master in our lives. To express our gratitude to the Lord for this unparalled blessing, to the master for reaching out to us and holding our hand; for bestowing the gyana that lights up our life with knowledge, illuminating the way to lasting peace and joy.
The revered master has always been a lover of the arts and this special day offers an occasion to share with one and all the rich cultural heritage of India, with celebrated artists performing in the ashram, be it, classical dance, contemporary plays, bhangra or bhajans.
Some famous personalities who have shared their immense talent, passion and love for their art and been graced by having an opportunity to perform before the master are Madhup Mudgal, Wadali brothers, Anup Jalota, Sanjeev Abhyankar, Hansraj Hans, Hema Malini, Daler Mehendi, Yamini Reddy and group, Pts. Rajan Sajan Mishra, Suresh Wadkar, Dolly Ahluwalia, Mita Vashisht, Manoj Joshi, Gauri Pathare and Bhuvnesh Komkali, Manjusha Patil, Raga Rishi Pt. Ulhas Kashalkar ji etc.

Guru Purnima

On this sacred day of Guru Purnima a sacred celebration takes place in Rishi Chaitanya Ashram wherein devotees from all over the world flock to the Ashram with great fervour, love and dedication. It is a significant day for an aspirant to remind oneself of the commitment to one’s own evolution and to reinstate the resolve & determination for pursuing spiritual practices so as to realise the real purpose of life.
A disciple, a seeker, an aspirant is ever filled with gratitude for the compassionate master who dispels the darkness of ignorance and shows the illuminating light of wisdom. It is this wisdom of the master that inspires to seek and guides the aspirant on the inward journey. And it is this day which is traditionally celebrated by seekers as a day of offering their heart-felt gratitude, seeking blessings of the master and re-enforcing their quest to seek within.
On every such celebration in the Ashram, the revered master blesses one and all with her gracious presence, bestows the shower of love & wisdom, and untiringly urges those present - that time is fleeting, life is transitory – O seekers, awaken to the Truth within, before it is too late!

Krishna Janamashtami

Celebrated worldwide as the birthday of the birthless one, Krishna Janmashtami takes on a different hue, an unprecedented vibrancy when celebrated in the Ashram with the revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa. Showers of wisdom, exuberance and bliss fill the air with love and longing for the Krishna dwelling within - that which pervades and permeates the entire existence. On this auspicious day, the message of Lord Krishna comes alive as the revered master expounds and encapsulates the timeless teachings which have uplifted and elevated mankind through the ages. Those present on the occasion have an opportunity to introspect, contemplate and implement the practical aspects of life as exemplified by Lord Krishna. Through analogies, anecdotes and exemplifications, the master makes us aware that the demons we need to face are not outside, but within and the dilemma of Arjuna is the eternal dilemma that each one of us has to overcome in our quest for truth.

Diwali Celebrations

Diwali, a festival of lights, is celebrated with the luminous light of wisdom in the Ashram with the revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa. This fiery light pierces through the darkness of ignorance that envelops us and our lives. It kindles the spirit of seeking and fans the fire to be free from the entanglements. On this occasion the revered master blesses one and all with her gracious presence and bestows the shower of wisdom. Fortunate are those who get this opportunity to bask in the divine atmosphere imbued with abounding joy & bliss. As the outer celebration of Diwali entails lightening the candles, fire crackers and worship, the inward celebration with the master entails praying whole-heartedly, practising the spiritual precepts, and pursuing the path with tenacity & perseverance. Enlighten your life by being part of the grand Diwali celebration with the master.


The sublime occasion of Gurpurab commemorates the celebration of the birth & martyrdom anniversaries of the hallowed Sikh Gurus. It’s the time to celebrate their boundless grace that they bestowed on mankind with their divine presence and sacrosanct teachings, which are an ultimate guiding source for the seekers. These venerated festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm in the Ashram with the revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa, evoking immense fervour & devotion. The profound exposition of their banis, the mesmerising rendition of the shabads, and the poignant eulogies of the great masters mark the Gurpurab celebrations, viz. Guru Nanak Dev Gurpurab, Guru Gobind Singh Gurpurab and like, in Ashram. Following the tradition, it culminates with the serving & partaking of langar prasad (consecrated meal) with love & devotion.

event name


Starting Date:

28 Mar, 2020

Ending Date:

28 Mar, 2020


4:30 to 6:30 pm


Rishi Chaitanya Ashram, NH-1, Ganaur Distt. Sonipat, Haryana - 131101




Children under age 12 are not allowed