
Instructions for Nadi Shodhana
09:08Breathing Winds
30:01About the Album
Breathing Winds features comprehensive instructions and guidance for the practice of Nadi Shodhana by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa. Nadi Shodhana is not a breathing exercise, rather it is a unique method to remove the blockages of the nadis in which prana flows. When followed properly as per the given directions, regular practise enhances awareness of one's body and mind to a great extent. It brings calmness to the mind and prepares one for deeper spiritual practices. Amazing music facilitates the practise, aiding in keeping the mind with the practice and not getting it entangled in the flow of thoughts. It acts like a guard for the mind to dissuade it from getting distracted. So, follow the instructions and enjoy the practice. Do it persistently to feel the change it brings about in you.