About the book
Sri Vichaar Chandrodaya’, a pithy, profound scripture written by enlightened sage Pandit Pitambar ji is a wonderful introduction to Vedanta and also a deep investigation into the mystery of the Ultimate. It is a fascinating, in-depth inquiry into fundamental existential questions: who am ‘I’, what is the ‘jeeva’ (individual soul), is the phenomenal world ‘real’, who is ‘Ishwar’, what is ‘pancha kosha’ and ‘panch tanmatra’, who is the ‘drashta’ (seer), what attributes should an aspirant cultivate, how do the sense organs function, etc. Using similes from day to day life, weaving impeccable logic with scientific precision, Pandit ji succinctly and systematically unravels these queries through a unique question-answer format. Originally in the quaint khadi-boli, revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa’s lucid exposition of this insightful scripture in two intensive retreats unveils the essence of Vedanta, as one after another, each of its sixteen chapters opens a window affording yet another glimpse of the lofty pinnacle of human existence.