About the book
Upanishads talk about the eternal Self. These Vedantic texts expound on the nature of reality and reveal the means of unravelling it. The truth revealed is one and the same. Just as every reflection of the moon is in essence the moon but unique in its individuality; the Upanishads reflect the One Truth in their inimitable ways. Amritabindu Upanishad is one of the five Bindu Upanishads. Bindu means a drop and Amrita means nectar of immortality. It succinctly encapsulates the profound wisdom of Vedanta in 22 incisive verses. The text commences by decoding the mind and explaining how the mind is the cause of human bondage and how this very mind can become the doorway to liberation. The text goes on to reveal the nature of the real Self and sheds light on the path of knowing the reality. This book is a compilation of illuminating talks given by the enlightened master Anandmurti Gurumaa on the Amritabindu Upanishad. The sagacious master simplifies the profundity in an easy to understand yet nuanced language, revealing the fragrance of the Vedantic wisdom held in the pithy and often cryptic words. By imbibing even a drop of this ambrosial knowledge, the seeker will inch closer to the immortal truth.