About the book
In Quest of Sadguru is an ultimate guide for all those in search of a true master. It is an insightful book which profoundly explains the deeper truths about the journey of a seeker in finding a true master, and more so about how to be a disciple and different facets of the relationship between the master and the disciple. These days almost anyone can be given the label of a Guru - that is the popular perception (read misconception!) by the masses at large. The fact is that understanding the true meaning of the word 'Guru' is as rare as the usage of this word is common. And that is why this book comes across as a much needed eye-opener that dispels all myths and misconceptions whilst simultaneously unveiling the true identity of the Guru for one and all.
This beautiful masterpiece 'In Quest of Sadguru' is a collection of talks by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa on Gurus, Sadguru and Shishya. It is an eye-opener, a guide and a true companion for every seeker. It presents a comprehensively thorough picture of who a Guru really is. Gurumaa meticulously describes the attributes, defining features and characteristics of a true Guru. Not only this, but she also elucidates what a Guru is not - enabling us to detect the fraudsters that abound in plenty these days who swindle the guileless public exploiting their blind faith to no end. Furthermore, the master reveals some highly inspiring stories from the lives of such tremendously exalted Gurus like Kabir, Rumi, Milarepa to name but a few. These stories are truly awe-inspiring and spiritually uplifting, stirring the very core of heart. They will undoubtedly provide tremendous motivation and invigorate all those on the spiritual path.
Who is a Guru? How to identify pseudo-gurus and steer clear of them? How to recognise a true Guru? What is the need of a Guru? Who is a disciple? What is the code of conduct for a disciple? If you have any such query - well, this is the book for you, especially for you.