
Shri Durga Astottara Shatanaamaani Stotra (108 names)
21:13Shri Durga Dwatrimsha Naamamala Stotra (32 names)
02:17Mahishasura Mardini Stotra
13:21Nirvana Shatakam
02:56About the Album
Reverberating music, exquisite chants, ethereal voice of Anandmurti Gurumaa, all go in the making of this mesmerising album 'Ananda Stotras'. The resonance of these stotras creates a divine ambiance, with each track inviting to take a plunge into this ocean of bliss.
The first track, Shri Durga Astottara Shatanaamaani Stotra, is the chanting of hundred and eight names of Goddess Durga, the shakti. As you delve in this soulful chanting, you experience the entrancing tranquillity which calms the mind and evokes intense love and devotion in the heart. The second track, Shri Durga Dwatrimsha Naamamala Stotra, is the chanting of thirty-two names of Devi Durga. It is a vibrant chanting in the glory of Devi. Both these tracks extol the different names of Devi Durga, the primordial cosmic energy.
The third track is set to cast a spell of celebration. You are bound to rejoice with its captivating music. Hailed as the mighty slayer of demon Mahisha, the lustrous, charming and resplendent Devi, is offered adoration and oblation in this stotra. It is an all-encompassing stotra which expresses the colossal radiance of the compassionate Devi. The enchanting voice of Anandmurti Gurumaa has made these tracks come alive, imbued with divine energy and pure joy.
The last track, Nirvana Shatakam, celebrates the magnificent nature of our true self which is ever blissful. This track adds the touch of contemplative mood to the album, making it a unique collection of Ananda Stotras.