
Aisa Gyan Bicharai Koi
10:45About the Album
Aisa Gyan Bicharai Koi is a profound and Vedantic shabad of the first Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj, registered in Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The soulful and sagacious bani verses vocalized by Anandmurti G in her melodic voice are loaded with profound and heart-piercing words of the Master, inciting one to reflect upon such wisdom that helps one break away from this illusionary world and taste the fruit of liberation. In the opening verses, Guru Maharaj beautifully explains the principle of non-duality through a fine examplar of the day and night- though, they might appear as two but are actually ensuing in each other. The same holds for hot and cold; Droplet-ocean, and male-female. It's the absolute, pure and blissful consciousness that is the crux of everything and is permeating through one and all. No one is capable enough to decipher the state and extent of the Supreme existence- Only a realized Master can lead the way and help one get established in the liberating truth of the Self. Lost in the divine remembrance, the ultimate knowing dawns upon in the state of meditation, and a Gurmukh comes to know of this ineffable tale. The divine light illuminates the mind; the mind is the embodiment of the Divine Light- And the Master brings the five senses together, like brothers. Nanak is forever in the oblation of those who remain perennially absorbed in the Eternal Word. Guru Maharaj Ji further heralds the real Self- the architect of this bewildering and astonishingly real-looking play of Samsara; The One that contemplates upon Its creation and by realizing its true essence, comes out of it. Listen and strive to grasp the deep underlying meanings through this musical rendition of the profound bani verses given by revered Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj to let the seeds of the highest wisdom take root. Nurture them with constant practice and contemplation, enabling the supreme knowledge to grow, flourish, and ripen, resulting in the revelation of the eternal, omniscient, unfathomable existence that dwells at the core of everything.