A long walk on the beach, sunrise in the mountains, a book in the garden on a bright sunny day in winter, a visit to the spa, friendly laugh with your college buddy, starry night sky in Himachal! Already feeling better?
What if there was an easy way to destress without going on a vacation, sitting right where you are! Yes its possible- if you learn to hack your Vagus nerve! Its the software which runs the hardware of your body!
Stress is the most invisible, deep-rooted pathogen in the modern era. Most of us are trapped in a constant state of ‘fight and flight mode’ with chronic stress as our daily companion manifesting as a range of mental & physical ailments.
Dealing with any of these issues? Bloating, constipation, poor gut health, insomnia, brain fog, anxiety, depression, mood swings, aches & joint pains, frequent infections, headaches, palpitations, autoimmune or any other chronic ailment…..Your Vagus nerve may need some rewiring! It is the most ignored, underestimated & underutilized healing potential humans are gifted with..
What is the Vagus nerve?
The longest cranial nerve in the body (Xth nerve) that travels from the base of the brain to the eyes, throat, neck, lungs, heart & the digestive system. The word ‘Vagus’ is of latin origin meaning ‘to wander’ justifying the name considering its wide reach in body.
Role of Vagus nerve in the body
Vagus nerve is a part of the Autonomic nervous system which manages the involuntary body functions. Eg. breathing, BP, heart rate, digestion, sleep, immune system and much more. It plays a crucial role in calming the body, relieving stress. It is responsible for rest, digest and repair response in the body.
Why stimulate your Vagus nerve daily? Its like watering your baby plant
An activated Vagus signals the body to relax, reduces inflammation, lowers BP & heart rate, improves gut health, joint pains & boosts immunity. It improves mental health by increasing the production of happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine responsible for regulating mood and emotional well-being.
Commercial devices are now available that provide electrical Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) through the skin surface- an FDA approved therapy for conditions like epilepsy and depression in modern medicine. But the positive impact of VNS benefits all patients of chronic diseases as it brings down chronic inflammation in the body significantly.
Natural & simple ways to stimulate Vagus nerve at home:
The basics: Time honored formula of ‘Early to bed- Early to rise’ is the easiest way to align your biological clock with nature & balance your nervous system.
- Splashing Cold water on the face or a cold shower stimulates the nerve, lowers the heart rate & reduces body’s natural stress response. Next time you feel stressed or anxious, try the cold water trick instead of reaching out for an ice cream.
- Ear massage: The ears are supplied by auricular branch of Vagus nerve where it can be easily stimulated through a daily massage.
- Singing and Gargling stimulate the vocal cords and the muscles in your throat which activate the Vagus nerve. Might sound a bit surprising, but its effective!
- ‘OM’ chanting has shown immense benefits on the human body and mind since ancestral times. The word ‘OM’ is composed of three syllables- A, U, M- they emit specific vibrational sound frequency that activates the Vagus nerve! How our Yogis knew it when concept of a scientific research did not exist!
- Humming (like a bee)- the ancient practice of ‘Bhramari’- instantly quietens the chatter of the mind and can be used as a bedtime pill for those who struggle to fall asleep every night.
- Yoga Aasan: This is one magic therapy which cures the incurable & can reverse most difficult chronic diseases.. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, heals the body & brings stillness to the mind. The therapeutic response cannot be equated with any other system of medicine.
- The power of your Breath: It’s free, simple & extremely effective- yet the most underutilized! Ever noticed how your breath becomes fast and shallow in a state of anger, fear or when sobbing in grief. A mere 15-minute practice of deep breathing can calm anyone instantly. It activates the diaphragm and stimulates the Vagus nerve.
Few pointers to note: Sit with an erect spine. The breath should be long and as silent as possible. A long inhalation should be followed by a longer exhalation from the nose (length of inhalation: exhalation=1:2). One should learn pranayama from a mentor and practice daily for effective results. You-tube may not be the best guide. - Massage and Acupuncture therapy: A gentle massage and pressure applied to specific areas like the neck, ears, and abdomen, can instantly help you relax. Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific acupoints which activate the Vagus and promote self healing.
What we really wish:
We do not want to exercise, yet expect to stay slim. We want to eat a cheese laden pizza and expect it to work like a salad. We want to enjoy an ice cream without the guilt of a fatty liver. Late night movies are fun, but who wants sleep troubles later. We don’t have time to nourish the mind, yet we want to be free of stress and anxiety.
What we get:
You reap what you sow! Wealth can be inherited, but health can only be earned through hard work & dedication.
Start small by incorporating one or two of above Vagal nerve stimulation practices- whether it’s deep breathing for a few minutes or a daily Yoga practice. Your body will thank you!