
Before embarking on the journey of conception, it is crucial for both partners to prepare their bodies and minds. As discussed in the previous article Ayurveda’s Pre-Conception Care – Purification and Nourishment for Healthy Offspring, the foundation of a healthy pregnancy is built upon the principles of Ayurvedic wisdom. This preparation involves understanding one’s prakriti (innate constitution), following a balanced lifestyle, and undergoing detoxification therapies to...

Procreation is a natural instinct for humans. We aspire to live long and healthy lives, and most people desire to propagate their genes through their progeny. Judicious planning is a well-charted path leading to success, and pregnancy is no exception. Ideally, it takes about six months for prospective parents to prepare themselves for conception. This preparation involves ensuring that their bodies are appropriately nourished and purified of all toxins.

In an arduous journey towards realizing one's purest self and living our life term consciously and well, maintaining a healthy state of mind and body becomes imperative. This is where holistic health comes in to play its part and, the science of Ayurveda helps us immensely with that. Our great Rishis, who experientially explored the systems of Ayurveda, have laid out some principles to follow in the name of Dinacharya—A potent routine that can help improve your wellbeing...

Breath is life. No breath, no life! Such a vital entity, but one we are least aware of. Breathing is happening every moment and yet, are you aware of this crucial, intrinsic phenomenon? Furthermore, have you ever wondered why we have two nostrils when one was enough to inhale and exhale? There is a definite reason for this, as we shall see below.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common malady affecting people world over. WHO regards it as one of the most important risk factors for death. Literature suggests that around 57% of all stroke related deaths and 24% of coronary artery disease deaths in India are directly related to hypertension. And on top of that, it is a silent killer-often presenting with no overt signs or symptoms. Thus, the pressing need for increasing public awareness, access to early detection and treatment.

Living beings cannot live without water. Thus irrespective of whether the body is healthy or sick, water is indispensable to all creatures, man being no exception. Ayurveda states that water consumed in appropriate quantity works as nectar to the body. On the contrary, if one drinks too much, water can be as harmful as a toxin.