Even though some fear mechanism comes inbuilt through mother nature to help us remain cautious— a reflexive instinct necessary for survival, some people may have an unhealthy fear of dying or losing someone close.
Regrettably, most of us feel the dread of death, albeit on varying levels. It is so because each of us experiences fear differently— both in terms of how much it affects and what it specifically relates to.
The fundamental cause of fear
Considering this body and its relations to be eternal is the highest level of foolishness and cause of all the problems. The moment we see this fallacy shredding apart with the deaths happening around, it becomes but natural to fall into the vicious cycle of fear.
We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that the one who is born is going to die for sure— if not today, then a day after, maybe. But one major thing to note here is that even the people we address as our loved ones and are fearful for their lives are those whom we even didn't know only sometime back.
Let us throw in a hypothetical situation to elaborate on this— Suppose a newly born ends up at someone else's place by mistake or by virtue of some unforeseen situation. The new family starts taking care of the child as their own, and the child too considers them as the parents and keeps fearing losing them. One fine day he learns they are not his birth parents. He is adopted. Then what will happen? Will something change inside or not? Is the intensity of attachment that he felt for them all this while going to remain intact? Now, will he fear losing them? With a single revelation, what suddenly changed? Pondering even a little upon these questions is going to open up a whole new dimension and perspective on what and whom we consider 'our own' and how we associate different emotions with them.
Knowing Self is Transcending All Fears
Instead of being fearful of death, the first step should be the acceptance of its existence, for mere acceptance can be powerful enough to ward off that sinking feeling. Otherwise, too, in death, only the body dies; the mind stays as it is. Propelled by the force of unfulfilled desires, soon enough, a new body is attained that ensues new relations, and the journey starts afresh. And just like that, the cycle continues. So, there is no point in being fearful in that situation too.
However, the fundamental question that remains to be answered is, for how long will this drama continue? It will go on till there comes the moment when it all begins to look nonsensical and fuels the ultimate drive to attain freedom from all this, aka Moksha. Realising one as the ever blissful, ever-conscious, effulgent Self— that which is beyond the reach of death and our real identity is the ultimate liberation.
With the tools of discernment and absolute wisdom, it is possible to transcend the delusion and get established in the eternal truth. Once that transpires, what remains to be fearful of? Appreciate the gift of life, nurture the relationships that come along with love, and yet be wise enough to know the art of gracefully letting go when the time comes. That's what the real Gyana empowers you with!