
Anxiety comes when there is uncertainty in our life because mind is afraid of the unknown. What is known to us does not make us fearful. It is the unknown territory of the future that makes us fearful. Nobody knows what the future holds for us, and that is the main reason why many people are interested in astrology, tarot and palm readers. They want to know about their future; what will happen to them and their family.

Everybody has fear in their life but some people are in denial and don’t accept it. It is like a stigma in our society to admit that you are feeling sad or worried. ‘You have a nice family, job and even a nice home, then why should you be sad? Are you mad?’ People will ask. But who says you can’t be sad? Our mind doesn’t require things and people to feel happy. Happiness comes from...

Abhinivesha refers to the strong desire to live and implies, fear of death. The deep desire to live, binds you to the physical body; thus, creating the emotion of fear. Abhinivesha is one of the afflictions of mind. And it is also the root of all our fears, that is why as long as we have abhinivesha in the mind, we will have all other fears as well. Some people are fearful of heights. Why? Because they know that...