Rishikesh Retreat
awaken to your true self...

Nestled in the foothills of the mountain ranges, the winter month of December is the time for the Meditation Retreat held in the heart of the Himalayas, the beautiful and serene, Rishikesh. The five day retreat has much to offer to the one
who is a recipient. This venerated land of sages and saints is brimming with such vibrant energy that a seeker is only to attune himself to be able to reach an exalted state of bliss. The uniqueness of this retreat is undoubtedly the meditation
sessions held in the lap of the mountains, paralleled with the Masters expositions charged with bountiful love; indeed an opportunity not to be missed.

Overflowing aesthetic calm
The serene banks of the river Ganga, the tranquility in the air, the lofty Himalayas in the background and the fast yet steady flow of the Ganges overwhelmes every seeker. It reminds one of his miniscule existence in the vast expanse
of the Universe, yet how big one weighs the plebeian problems and sorrows of life.The elevating, inspiring presence of the master makes the atmosphere spiritually charged, where for thousands of years, sages and yogis have
performed austerities, meditated and realised the Truth. For almost twenty years, the eagerly awaited annual Rishikesh intensive meditation retreat, with the master every December, has been a year-end pilgrimage for aspirants
to this sacred spot, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas. Over two thousand seekers attend the retreat each year, getting a unique opportunity to spend five incomparable days with the revered master. It is an intensive
meditation retreat that attracts practitioners like a bee to a flower. The nectar of profound stillness is ambrosial to say the least.
A pilgrimage within
Early morning meditation is an integral part of the retreat, with the master compassionately teaching innovative dynamic techniques, designed to break through mental barriers, unleashing the bliss and energies within. A unique
opportunity for sewa, darshan on the sacred banks of the Ganga, evening sessions with the master patiently answering queries and the sheer overwhelming bliss of it all make it an experience to relish and cherish! The retreat
offers an invaluable opportunity for solitude and quiet contemplation, for discipline and dispassion, for growth and evolution, ‘far from the madding crowd’.
Intensive. Invigorating. Awe-inspiring.
Such are these meditation sessions with the master in the elevating & charged ambiance of Rishikesh. They entail powerful methods leading seekers to tranquillity & serenity within. It is truly an unparalleled experience
beyond expression.
A seeker aspires to learn, explore and evolve so as to ultimately realise the real purpose of his life. On one hand this retreat quenches the thirst of a seeker, whereas at the same time it kindles his aspiration to seek. The topics
explicated by the revered master are solemn yet joyous, deep yet accessible, profound yet understandable. The master reveals the address of the pilgrimage that resides not without, but within! All of this greatly facilitates
the seeker, further intensifying his practices, in his spiritual pursuit to awaken to his true self.