
Apne Aap Ka
12:03Le Chal Pawan
13:28Babiha Amrit Vele - Instrumental
03:42Mujhe Meri Masti
12:47Main Dware Tere
08:03Babiha Amrit Vele
08:48About the Album
Aanando is an outpouring of bliss from the mystic’s heart. It overwhelms all those who get drenched in its blissful shower. Revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa’s ethereal voice has brought alive the contemplative and meditative poetic expressions featured in this blissful album. The opening track ‘Apne Aap Ka Kar Le Vichaar’ is an invitation to withdraw one’s attention from the world outside and begin to look within, for that is where the bliss lies. Then is the rendition of ‘Le Chal Pawan Uda’ that depicts the yearning of a lover to be one with the beloved. It brings to mind the imagery of a soft breeze taking one to the divine land where there is just pure love & bliss. Another track is a beautiful hymn by Sri Guru Nanak Dev called ‘Babiha Amrit Vele Boleya’ which glorifies the beauty of the wee hours of the morning heralded by the chirping of the babiha, a bird. It exhorts the devotee to wake up early in the morning and sing the divine name with love and devotion. This dedicated practice exalts one to the state from where one sees nothing but the pervasiveness of one’s own True Self which is ever blissful, and thus says 'Mujhe Meri Masti Kahan Leke Aayi’. Where can one go to seek such benediction but at the Master’s feet - this is what is beautifully expressed in ‘Main Dware Tere’. Let this celebrative collection touch the strings of your heart and inspire you to seek the blissful self.