Yoga Nidra (English) - Ancient yogic technique of total transformation
Language: English

About the book
Devised by our astute sages, yoga nidra is an ancient tantric method which plays an important role not only on the path of spiritual evolution but also for deep relaxation at all levels – physical, emotional and mental. Nidra means sleep. The usual state of sleep is not only unconscious, but is predominantly associated with dreaming, hence not restful. Yoga nidra, on the other hand, is a state of deep yet conscious sleep, hence also known as ‘yogic sleep’. Its regular practice can relieve one from stress, insomnia, and various psychosomatic diseases which have become an integral part of modern man’s life. Besides its physical and mental benefits, yoga nidra is a powerful tool of pratyahara. It opens the possibility of experiencing one’s existence separate from the body. One can also access deep past impressions lurking in the deeper layers of the mind and thus is an important way of expunging undesirable samskaras. An integral step on the ladder of spiritual ascension, yoga nidra is, thus, a complete holistic package for the body, mind and spirit.