Kena Upanishad (Hindi) - Episode 4 - Shloka 4 & 5 - केनोपनिषद्
8523 views | 11 Aug 2023
Special series on the insightful exposition of the Advaita Vedanta scripture 'Kenopanishad' by revered Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa in Hindi. Watch the exclusive screening of enlightening talks premiering every Tuesday & Saturday, on the in-depth exposition that will not only free you from the oscillation of the wavering mind but will once and for all uplift the veil of ignorance, thus setting you free from the vicious cycle of in-numerous births & deaths, beautifully expounded by the all-compassionate Gurudev in an easy-to understand yet direct manner. यद्वाचानभ्युदितं येन वागभ्युद्यते । तदेव ब्रह्म त्वं विद्धि नेदं यदिदमुपासते ॥ ४ ॥ yadvācānabhyuditaṃ yena vāgabhyudyate | tadeva brahma tvaṃ viddhi nedaṃ yadidamupāsate || 4 || What speech does not enlighten, but what enlightens speech, know that alone to be the Brahman, not this which (people) here worship. यन्मनसा न मनुते येनाहुर्मनो मतम् । तदेव ब्रह्म त्वं विद्धि नेदं यदिदमुपासते ॥ ५ ॥ yanmanasā na manute yenāhurmano matam | tadeva brahma tvaṃ viddhi nedaṃ yadidamupāsate || 5 || What one cannot think with the mind, but by which they say the mind is made to think, know That alone to be the Brahman, not this which (people) here worship. 0:00 Shloka 4 14:11 Shloka 5
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