Shakti Karuna
A compassionate initiative by the master
Benevolent masters
embody the Absolute
Brahman; for them, the
other does not exist.
Relieving people of
their misery comes
instinctively to them.
Not only is financial
aid provided, rather,
it has always been a
compassionate reaching
out with loving
concern in times of
need. In fact, the
master Herself visits
the stricken regions
and meets suffering
ones, patiently giving
them Her undivided
Drought Relief Program
With the spirit of service inculcated
by the Revered Master Anandmurti
Gurumaa, a team of volunteers from
Rishi Chaitanya Ashram, visited Beed in
Marathwada area, in state of
Maharashtra where instances of suicide
by farmers at an alarming rate had
raised high concern. The volunteers
were directed to identify families
affected by suicide of the family
member and also to identify areas where
the trust can make a long lasting
impact of change. After many
visits by volunteers and discussions
with trustees, assistance in Beed,
Marathwada was divided into two
separate modules. One was assistance
families where
a farmer had committed suicide and
second was to strengthen infrastructure
Assitance to Families
Totally 61 widows were identified to
whom financial help was extended.
Revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa had
personally visited Beed on 19th May,
2017 and after satsang with the
affected families, handed over cheques
to provide financial assistance.
Support to School Girls
In total 29 girls residing in Nagapur
Village, Beed District were identified.
These girls were studying in standards
7th to 12th and were students of Zilla
Parishad schools at either Umard or
Pimpri Tanda, located at far off
distances from their villages. Bicycles
were given to these girls to make their
daily commute to school easier and
Upgradation of School Infrastructure
After various visits and interaction
with teachers, upgradation of
infrastructure of Zilla Parishad
schools was supported by the trust:
- E-learning hardware and software was donated to 19 schools run by Zilla Parishad.
- A proper 2 room building was constructed at Shinde vasti for Vasti shalla of Zilla
Parishad with separate toilet block for girls and boys, kitchen shed for cooking mid-day
meals, bore well and e-learning software and hardware was donated to the school.
- In High School at Pimplaner, following major upgradation was carried out:
- Science laboratory
- Library
- 150 benches for senior students of classes 8th, 9th and 10th
- RO plant
- E-learning hardware and software
The District Magistrate, Shri D M
Singh, was pleased to know that an RO
plant was setup and directed the school
authorities to permit a student to
bring 4 bottles from his home to carry
RO water way back.
At times, those
in distress just need a glimmer of hope
to survive. This glimmer of hope can be
any act of servitude or an empathetic
eye watchful of their needs. Let’s make
life a celebration for all!