About the book
Vedanta holds the key to the essence of life. And the essence of Vedanta is beautifully presented in Sadananda Saraswati’s glorious text called Vedanta Sara. Written several centuries ago, this text on advaita Vedanta, continues to inspire spiritual aspirants seeking knowledge of the ineffable Brahman, seeking the absolute truth, seeking freedom from the bondage of not-knowing. But as is true of most scriptures, it is by no means easy to decipher the meaning in totality. One misses the subtext, the context, the meaning behind the words. And this is where the importance of a living enlightened being comes in. Having experienced the truth encapsulated in the words, a self-realised person is perfectly placed to explain the nuances, through analogies, through exemplification, through references to daily life. This makes it easier to fathom and digest the complex knowledge. Anandmurti Gurumaa is one such being who has awakened to the higher reality. Having tasted the wisdom, she makes the flavour accessible to the readers. Her eloquent, insightful and sagacious commentary on this introductory text of advaita Vedanta, showcases the timeless beauty of lofty wisdom, in a packaging that is appealing to readers of modern times. This book is a compilation of live discourses and is intended to enrich lives with the life transforming fragrance of Vedantic wisdom.