
Shri Guru Paduka Stotram
6:53About the Album
“O dear Guru, I bow to thy holy pattens.”
Guru Paduka Stotram, is a great devotional hymn composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya which is dedicated to the holy pattens of the reverential guru, praying to him to show the path towards salvation and obviate the snares and pitfalls on this path!
This heartfelt recitation of the sacred prayer, in the rendering voice of Revered Master Anandmurti Gurumaa, encompasses salutations to the holy pattens of the Guru, which serves as the boat to help cross the endless ocean of material existence. The coming of a Guru into our lives is a sign of the Lord’s grace. Guru is the embodiment of love, who transcends us at every step from the veil of ignorance to true knowledge. The absolute guiding force, who inspires us from the innermost core of our being and adds a divine potency to our prayers. The Guru is an epitome of divinity and a splendor of infinite wisdom.
This majestic and overwhelming composition honors the presence of a Guru in one’s life. It praises how a seeker’s life transforms under a master’s guidance to open the eyes of those who are rendered blind by the darkness of ignorance.
When we worship the padukas of our Guru, we pray for the Supreme Truth; which is all-pervasive, omnipotent, omnipresent and an omniscient reality. This prayer not only protects us, but promises to establish the seeker in the realm of dispassion and detachment. Every time we recite Namaha, Namaha, Namaha, it resonates within us, effectuating the surrender of our ego. It's the grace of the Guru, which fills the vacuum of our lives with gratitude and contentment.
It is the magnanimity of the Guru, which makes the seeker discover infinity within. It is only at the feet of the master that we realize the real-Self. I prostrate again and again to my beloved, who will enrich us with equanimity, tranquility and lift us up into the empyrean of everlasting joy and infinite truth. It is a divine elixir; it bestows immortality and supreme peace.
It is a soothing yet a powerful rendition; altogether an uplifting experience. Immerse yourself in this humble obeisance which will invoke fervent devotion and love towards the Guru. Let your mind dissolve in this soulful recitation!